Tuesday, October 18, 2011

And that is a Fan.....

Ok, yep!  I am back on my soap box again. 

Ever wondered about the whole idea of being a fan?  Question becomes are you a true fan, a fair weather fan, a sports fan, a band wagon jumper?

Seriously, ask yourself that.

Here are some of the best quotes I have heard recently and you throw them into the category they outta fit.

(1) In a conversation I had just last weekend with someone I knew attend Texas Tech football games, I posed this question:   "How will Tech do against Kansas State this weekend?"  The response I got was spot on.  "We're going to win!"  Then I asked the dumbest question to date.  "Why do you say that?" and the young lady replied, "Because I always think we are going to win!"  The conversation continued with the concept that she did not typically talk football with the other football fans in her life as all she knew is she thought her team was going to win.  Made no difference where or who or how they were playing.  They were going to win!!  Right On!! 

(2) While visiting with a fan outside Levelland's Lobo Stadium on Friday night after a 21-to-nothing loss to Lubbock Cooper, I heard this statement.  "I sure wish we would have won tonight but I am so proud of the way our boys played.  We will get the next one for sure."  No that was not a comment being uttered from a coach working directly out of the losing streak handbook.  That was a fan off record (or so they thought).  After that statement, they went on to tell me how the volleyball team would knock off a district leader on Saturday. 

(3) With baseball season nearly ended, a discussion ensued with a gentleman and after praising the play of the Texas Rangers and explaining to me how the would win the World Series, they went on to explain how much better the Astros would be next season.  What?  Really?  The Astros are going to get better?

I have been in the radio sports business for 17 years, played competitive sports since I was five and have been a fan forever so it would seem.  I have coached, officicated, played, announced and cheered. 

I wear my reality cap a lot as a writer and announcer but I wear my fan cap too. 

No sercert around here that I am a Kansas City Royals fan, a Nebraska Cornhuskers fan, and a fan of all my area high school teams and as a fan I balance my reality factor and my true fan factor.

I always think the Royals will be a contender next year.  I always think the next play, the next game or the next season will be better than the last.

Point of the matter is this, what is wrong with just being a fan. 

Thinking your team is always the best.  Thinking it is always gonna get better.  Thinking that your quarterback or your pitcher is going to do it all.  Thinking your coach is just great and will do better.


Look, even if you don't know the most about sports, still just be a fan.  You don't have to know the most to be a fan.  Sometimes I suffer under the burden of knowledge knowing that my Royals may not make moves to get them in the hunt for 2012.  Knowing that the Nebraska loss to Wisconsin means no chance at a National Title.

Get out your team's flag, whoever that team is and fly it proudly.  Wear your team jersey around if they are ten-and-oh or oh-and-ten.  It is those fans who are the truest fans of all.

Just more deep thoughts from a shallow mind and thanks for your time.  Be good to each other out there.

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